Gleam Services

  • Individual one on one (1:1) Coaching sessions cost $150 per hour. I offer special gratitude pricing for packages of 6, 12 or 24. Please contact me directly for current pricing details.

    I do offer free 30-minute consultations if you are curious but not ready to commit just yet. Please reach out if you have specific investment questions!

  • Payment is due in full upon booking a session or group, prior to services. I do not accept partial payments at this time.

    Payments are processed through this website through PayPal, debit/credit and Venmo payment options. For this reason, I cannot accept cash or check.

  • Yes, I do offer payment options for large coaching packages of six (6) or more sessions. However, payment is always due before the individual session takes place. Please contact me if you have any specific payment questions!

  • Most clients benefit the most from weekly sessions for 3-6 months, but every client is different and has unique needs. Ultimately the frequency is up to the client.

    Keep in mind that change, especially the deep and meaningful work we will do, requires time to identify, target, enact and maintain. Rushing the process can create setbacks and potentially inhibit the lasting achievement and growth you want to achieve.

  • Generally I see clients from 9 am - 3 pm Monday-Friday. My session availability is variable and limited, so it is always best to visit my Services page to book an appointment and see what sessions are still available.

    If you don’t see an appointment for a specific day or week, I am likely out of the office or already booked for that day. You are welcome to reach out with questions, but please be advised that I never book sessions during my personal time.

    As a life balance coach, upholding my time boundaries is not only essential for my personal well-being but part of my professional work and ethos!

  • Yes and No. Due to COVID-19 and pandemic safety, I am not offering in-office client sessions. Clients who are local to the Lexington and Central KY area have the option to meet in person at an outdoor location or shop if they feel comfortable to talk in that space.

    Otherwise, all other services are provided virtually. I offer Google Meet online video conferencing and phone sessions. Please contact me if you have any specific questions!

  • Meditation and mindfulness support intentional thoughts and behavior and clarity of purpose. Meditation can help build your ability to calm yourself in times of stress, to seek clarity when you feel lost, overwhelmed or confused, and to gain increased since of self-love, self-worth, and self-trust. All of these skills and insights support creating an intentional, joyful life you love.

  • I am a Master certified life coach through the Certified Life Coach Institute (CLCI). I also hold a Masters of Science from Eastern Kentucky University in Clinical Psychology. To be clear, I am not a licensed or practicing psychologist and you will not receive psychological services or treatment with me at Gleam Life Coaching.

    However, both of these credentials have allowed me to be both an attentive and empathetic listener. They also have taught me how to identify and consolidate key information when listening to someone’s experience and to work collaboratively on targeted, specific action plans. Please see the section below about the differences between coaching and therapy, and of course reach out if you have any other questions.

    They have also taught me the humility of being trusted with someone else’s story and listening to understand. Only you know your unique life and experiences, but it’s my job to be curious about it and you as a person, to ask helpful and honest questions, and to help you create meaningful and lasting change in your life.

  • That’s great! I recommend starting with a free 30-minute consultation to meet virtually, discuss your goals and how I can help.

    If you want to move forward after your consultation, please sign up for a paid First Session. This session will include an intake form that gathers more information about you and your goals. During that session we will identify you primary goal, a plan of action moving forward, and action steps to work on before the next session.

    At that time you can book your next session with me directly, or book your subsequent sessions via this website as a 1:1 Coaching Session.


Life Coaching in General

  • The International Coaching Federation defines coaching as “partnering with Clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.”

    I encourage you to visit the link above to read more about Coaching and our Code of Ethics, ethical standards, and additional resources.

  • The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. Coaching focuses on visioning, success, the present and moving toward the future. Therapy emphasizes psychopathology, emotions and the past to understand the present, and it works more with developing skills for managing emotions or past issues than does coaching.” (Read more here.)

    Please reach out to me if you have additional questions or concerns.

  • There are many benefits to working with a coach! These include but are not limited to:

    -Become more attuned and aligned with your true needs and goals,

    -Discover your strengths and pain points that you can use to your benefit and to thrive,

    -Create a more balanced life as a result of becoming more self-aware and aligned with your true goals in life,

    -Develop more intentional goals and routines that support you and living your best life,

    -Feeling motivated to take action,

    -Feel more in control of your life,

    -Create better boundaries with yourself and others.

  • No, not at this time, but the International Coaching Federation (ICF) is working to change that.

    Additionally, all ICF coaches are held to high professional standards both by the ICF, our colleagues and ourselves.

    I am a proud ICF member and have strong professional standards for myself. Please reach out to me directly if you have specific questions.



  • GLEAM offers consulting add-on options for our life coaching clients.

    We also offer small businesses custom, tailored consulting packages based on their goals and teams. Please contact us directly to discuss your specific needs.

  • For existing life coaching clients, the rates are based on your current life coaching package and can be pro-rated into your current contract and payment options.

    Small business team packages are built a la carte, so pricing will vary on the specific activities or education you would like to offer your team.

    For larger organizations, packages are also customized to your specific needs but pro-rated based on the participant capacity and depth of preparation, education and work product required for your event.

    Please reach out to us if you would like to discuss your needs!

 If you don’t find your questions answered here, please reach out via our Contact page.