
Since the pandemic, the American workforce has experienced some major stressors—and some major shifts. Chiefly, an unprecedented segment of the workforce is burned out and experiencing residual stress from the pandemic and its effects. People are exhausted—mentally, physically and emotionally—and the pandemic showed them that life is more than just work. They want a workplace that understands their needs.

They are more apt to leave their current job for organizations with more supportive, balanced workplace cultures. Talented employees are now leaving organizations for more hybrid or remote positions, more flexible schedules, and overall more holistic workplace cultures, like those that offer life coaching, childcare support, and mental health and wellness services.

The reality is most employees will be happier and more loyal to an organization that encourages better work-life balance and actively protects their personal well-being through policies, team culture, and active resources for them to reduce their stress and feel better about their jobs. You can create that culture for your business and talented employees. Contact us today to discuss our custom Burnout and Balance team packages.

Are you a small business owner, team manager or organizational leader looking to help your team to:

  • reduce burnout and excessive job stress

  • increase their overall job satisfaction

  • build better team communication, and

  • help your teams create healthier boundaries and work culture?

GLEAM is here to help you help your people!

We adopt a holistic approach to build stronger teams and more resilient, happier employees.